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Vinyl Player

About Freddie Cliff Music:

Freddie Cliff was originally born in London, England but at the age of 3 moved to Louisville, Kentucky in America where he lives now. Freddie is now 25 years old and has decided to go all in on music, quitting his job of marketing for the NBA which is where he found his love for basketball. Freddie’s life as a child was very fast, he moved around a lot from England to America and multiple states, he often found it hard to fit in because he was always shy so he hung around with the same friend group he had since he was 7. When he moved to New York to market for the NBA he left Kentucky which is the place he saw most as home since when they moved around states he would always go back to Kentucky to see his friends and stay at his uncle’s house. When he left everything behind to start music he went back to Kentucky for the first time in 3 years because he was busy marketing in New York and he found out some troubling things about his ‘friends’ he considered family. Once he heard this news Freddie decides to make new friends and come out his shell for once now he is not involved with his old friends he can make new ones. Freddie’s family life also wasn't too good, his mother was a drug addict and his father constantly moved his family around for his job, Freddie never knew what his fathers actual job was but he knew it was something he probably shouldn't ask since his father always came home from work with black eyes and men would come round asking for money or they would come back. Freddie knew it was something dodgy so whenever he could he would stay at his uncles in Kentucky. Freddie found writing everything on his mind would help him clear his head and feel slightly less anxious, eventually these notes turned into rhymes and then he started sampling beats from his phone and rapping his darkest thoughts out. He was naturally good at English and this helped him write songs. He only really found music when he was around 16/17 but never looked back once he found it and is now starting to blow up, getting signed to a label and gaining followers, releasing his first studio album soon and music video. Although Freddie has low self confidence that he will become a hip hop star, his talent of lyric writing and flow cant be ignored, he also has a lot of determination to make it and a strive like no other, which is why he is an extremely promising young talent on  the hip hop scene which is finally becoming recognized.

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